Quantifiers can be a single word or a phrase and are used with countable or uncountable nouns to express amount or quantity. They can ...
Quantifiers can be a single word or a phrase and are used with countable or uncountable nouns to express amount or quantity. They can be grouped by the noun types they qualify.
Some, much, many, few, little, a lot of, half, etc., are common quantifiers.
Some and any are determiners and they express an indefinite quantity or number.They are used when it is not necessary say how many or how much we want to mean. they are both used with countable and uncountable nouns.
Some is usually used in affirmative sentences. Any is used in negative and interrogative sentences.
Much and many espress a large quantity. Much is uesd with uncountable nouns and many is used with countable nouns.
Qualifier a lot of is used in all forms.
We used how much and how many to ask about quantity. How much is followed by uncountable nouns and how many is followed by countable plural nouns.
For more information click here.
For practicing some any click here.
For practicing how much how many click here.
For practicing quantifiers click here.
Some and any are determiners and they express an indefinite quantity or number.They are used when it is not necessary say how many or how much we want to mean. they are both used with countable and uncountable nouns.
Some is usually used in affirmative sentences. Any is used in negative and interrogative sentences.
Much and many espress a large quantity. Much is uesd with uncountable nouns and many is used with countable nouns.
Qualifier a lot of is used in all forms.
We used how much and how many to ask about quantity. How much is followed by uncountable nouns and how many is followed by countable plural nouns.
For more information click here.
For practicing some any click here.
For practicing how much how many click here.
For practicing quantifiers click here.