Reported Speech

If we report what another person has said, we usually do not use the speaker's exact words (direct speech), but reported  or indirec...

If we report what another person has said, we usually do not use the speaker's exact words (direct speech), but reported  or indirect speech. Therefore, you need to learn how to transform direct speech into reported speech. The structure is a little different depending on whether you want to transform a statement, question or request. 


When transforming statemens, check whether you have to change pronouns, tenses or place and time expressions.

In reported speech you often have to change the pronoun depending on who says what:

She said, "my mum doesn't have time today".
She said that her mum didn't have time thatday.

In reported speech you must change the tense if the introductory clause is in simple past. This is called backshift, that is, a step back in time.

He said, "I'm happy".
He said that he was happy.

Place and time expressions
For place and time expressions you have to check whether place ab`nd time are the same in direct or indirect speech or not. If there are the same there is no change from direct to indirect speech. However, if they are different a change or referent must occur. You will find ways of transforming place or time expressions in the following table:

She said, "I saw Mary here today".
She said that she had seen Mary there that day.

The same as for statements applies for questions. Also note that you have to transform the questions into an indirect question and use the interrogative pronoun (for wh- questions) or if/whether (for yes/no questions).

He asked, "where does she live?"
He asked where she lived.


The introductionary verbs when reporting commands are, among others, tell, advise, ask, order, command, urge and so on.

The teacher said," Open your books, please".
The teacher told us to open our books.

For negative requets or commands, use not to + base form.

He said, "Don't shout!".
He told them not to shout.

exercise 1          exercise 2         exercise 3         exercise 4          exercise 5          exercise 6  



-ing 1º ESO 2º ESO 3º ESO 4º ESO ACTIVITIES ADVERBS OF FREQUENCY already & yet Celebrations COMPARISON determiners ever & never expressions do and make for & since Future games gerunds or infinitive have got how much/ how many? Irregular verbs just modals must must/should numbers object pronouns order of adjectives passive voice past continuous past perfect Past perfect simple Past simple past simple & past continuous present continuous present perfect & past simple Present Perfect simple present simple present simple & present continuous pronounciation pronouns REFUERZO 3º ESO REFUERZO 4º ESO regular verbs relative pronouns Reported Speech reporting verbs REVIEWS some & any some & any compounds Song there is/are there was/were time prepositions too & enough VIDEOS VOCABULARY wh-questions writing
Inglés Secundaria CPI de Panxón: Reported Speech
Reported Speech
Inglés Secundaria CPI de Panxón
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